Car maintenance is very important. You depend on your car to get you to work, get your kids to school, as well as drive you across the country for your annual road trip. If your car isn’t well maintained, any of these excursions could cause a serious malfunction in the engine, transmission or other systems in your car. Proper car maintenance can prevent a serious breakdown. Carotech Automotive and Tires offers a variety of car maintenance services.
Which Fluid Changes Are Part of Car Maintenance?
One of the biggest aspects of car maintenance is checking the fluids in your car. Here are three different types of fluid that lubricate different parts of your car. Here are the different fluids you should check and how often they need to be changed:
It is recommended that you checks the oil levels in your car once a month. This helps you to know when you should add oil. Usually, you will need to change your oil every 3,000 miles or every six months, whichever comes first.
Transmission Fluid
The fluid in your transmission keeps the gears lubricated, which prevents wear and tear. You should check your transmission fluid levels at least once a month and have it changed every 50,000 miles.
Brake Fluid
The brake fluid lubricates the components of the brakes system to make sure the car stops properly. You should check the brake fluid for cleanness every time you get the oil changed and have brake fluid changed every two years.
Other fluids that you can check in your car include the power steering fluid and radiator coolant. Keeping up with the levels of fluid in your car can greatly extend the life of your engine. If you need fluid checks or other car maintenance, contact Carotech Automotive and Tires at (424) 283-4303.
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