Your auto insurance coverage can sometimes be as confusing as a new home contract, it seems. However, knowing the basics of your policy can help save you money and keep you covered in an accident.
Liability insurance is required in order to be able to drive your vehicle. This coverage will kick in when an accident is your fault and will cover the other party’s bodily injury and property damage up to your coverage amount. (Typical coverage is $15,000/$30,000, which means $15,000 in bodily injury and $30,000 in property damage.) Remember, what your insurance doesn’t cover, you will be responsible for.
Comp and Coll
This type of coverage is optional and stands for comprehensive and collision. This means that if you are in an accident that wasn’t your fault, your vehicle will be covered, as will your bodily injury, up to your limits. Many times, this coverage includes rental car coverage as well.
Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist
This self-explanatory coverage will guarantee your vehicle repair and hospital bills, even if you are hit by someone who doesn’t have any or the correct amount of coverage. This ensures that even if they don’t pay their part of the damages, you are still covered.
Other Additions
Vehicle insurance coverages can vary greatly and can include everything from roadside service to death benefits upon an accident. Your insurance agent can go over any coverages that you have and any supplements that could provide better coverage.
It’s always a good idea to know your auto insurance coverage details before you are in an accident. This can help you stay safe and keep the process moving quickly. If you have been in an accident and need vehicle inspection or repair, call the Carotech Automotive and Tires team at (424) 283-4303 for more information.
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