When you get a vehicle you have an obligation to take the best care of it possible while it is in your possession. This means that getting your vehicle’s oil changed comes with the territory. If you don’t know much about cars or when you need to get your oil changed, we can help you with that. Often times when you get your oil changed, the company you went to will put a sticker in your drivers’ side window in the left-hand corner that will tell you when they recommend coming back and at how many miles. This is not the exact number you should come back on, but it is pretty close usually to when you should think about heading in again. During an oil change, you will have several things done. Every place is different with what they do, but one thing’s for sure, that they will always change your filter, oil, and top off the fluids that may be getting low. If something is wrong, they will usually tell you what it is and throw in a price for reference. This is a great way to also tell if you need something more or your car will live to see another day.
Do You Need an Oil Change?
First and foremost, the length of time and miles you have driven since your last one is a major factor. If 3 months have passed, but you hardly drive your car, you can probably afford to skip it this time. If you are a commuter, you probably need to have your oil changed more regularly than that. One thing you can do right at home is pop your hood and pull the oil stick out yourself. There, you can check to see if your oil is low and if it is, go get your oil changed right away. Without oil in your motor, your vehicle engine will lock up and no longer work; talk about expensive. This is not a problem you want to have. An easy solution is to run over to Carotech Automotive and Tires and have us change your oil. Give us a call at (424) 283-4303 to set an appointment or just stop by.
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